Thursday, January 28, 2021

heat exchangers, and piping and distillation equipment manufacturers.

What is Distillation?

Distillation is the process to separate elements of a mixture or aiding in the cleaning of unwanted elements. Therefore this equipment is called a distillation apparatus.    The technique of heating a liquid/ water to create a vapor is known as the Evaporator system. The process of distillation executes that firstly, the salt is separated from the saltwater through distillation. Subsequently, the steam is collected and allowed to cool back into new water without adding salt. Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile solids( Sugar, Salt) as in the separation of alcoholic liquors from fermented materials( like creating beer or any alcohol). The primary use of this equipment is that it is used in chemistry to purify and separate liquids and also to make alcoholic beverages, vinegar, and purified water. This distillation process is known as the oldest method, which originated about 200 years ago.


Steam and Vacuum Distillation 

Steam Distillation is used to separate components that are sensitive to heat in a mixture. Therefore, Vacuum Distillation is used in separating mixtures of liquid(a mixture of water and vinegar) with very high boiling points. Moreover, the function of the steam distillation is to pass/ move the steam through a mixture( which is slightly heated) to vaporize some of the liquid. Steam Distillation is used to obtain essential oils, herbs, and several flower fragrances.  

Process of Distillation 

Simple Distillation 

This distillation process involves heating the liquid water and immediately condensing(the process of water vapor turning back into liquid water) the resulting vapors. Therefore, it is only effective for mixtures, if the boiling point of the liquids is different (minimum 25* Celcius). The equipment required for the process of the simple distillation is - Round bottom flask, A source of heat( A material used to burn fire or heat the water), a Thermometer, A flask that is in a cylindrical shape,  is used to collect the condensed vapors and the last one is a condenser. Moreover, the liquid mixture is heated and it is converted into vapor and then rises into a fractional column( An apparatus used for the separation of volatile components like( Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc). Subsequently, the vapors get cooled and then condense into the walls of the condenser and the new vapors from the distilled flask heat the condensed vapor and thus make new vapors

Alaqua Inc
 produces equipment like pumps, vessels, coolers, heat exchangers, and piping and distillation equipment manufacturersContact  on +(00-1) 551 482 7568

Friday, January 22, 2021

Uses of Crystallizers

Crystallizers are an important piece of chemical processing equipment because they highly purify products into low energy input. The process to form crystals is called Crystallization through which liquid or gaseous molecules solidify and transform into crystals. Moreover, crystallizers are devices through which heat removes solids from a solution and converts it into crystals. 


Forced circulation crystallization 

    It is metal-based equipment that is widely used in industries. They are known as evaporative crystallizers and are also classified as mixed continuous suspension, mixed-product-removal (MSMPR). The work of this equipment started by creating a super-saturated solvent (a solution that contains more than the average solvent that can be dissolved at a given temperature) by evaporating the solvent (A molecule that can dissolve other molecules) of a saturated solution. Subsequently, the Solute( small particles and the components in a solution) of this supersaturated solution cools down and forms crystals. The main function of forced crystallizers is to produce salts and chemicals in the industry. Therefore, Forced crystallization is the least expensive and is available in large ranges of sizes. Also, the highest and durable rate of circulation in this equipment reduces the particle deposits on the flask/vessel walls. 

Draft Tube Baffle 

    This type of crystallizer is used primarily in the production of a variety of large-size crystallized materials such as ammonium sulfate, potassium chloride, and diammonium phosphate for the fertilizer industry. In this equipment, excessive nucleation (bubbles) occur, The tiny and unwanted particles of crystals which are termed as fines are removed from the large particles by using gravitational force and after that, they have recycled through the process of crystallization again which results in saving enough crystals. The two DTB crystallizers are used to produce ammonium sulfate. DTB crystallizers are also used for the purification of organic compounds(acid, water, alcohol) as well as the production of salts.

Oslo type Crystallizer 

    The advancement of this crystallizer equipment is known as the oldest design and it is developed for the production of large and rough crystals. Also, Oslo requires less maintenance and allows a long production cycle between washing periods.  

 Alaqua Inc manufactures process equipment like pumps, vessels, coolers, heat exchangers and piping, and Crystallizers made in the USA.  Contact  +(00-1) 551 482 7568 for more information or visit:

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Processing Equipment Manufacturer | Alaqua INC

What are the types of processing equipment?

 There are two types of Process equipment -

 1) Fixed equipment

2) Rotating equipment

 1) Fixed equipment - It refers to those process equipment that is stationary.

  Process equipment includes -

 A)   Heat exchangers - A heat exchanger is a type of system that transfers heat from one medium to another. It is used for both cooling and boiling processes. Also, the most popular types of heat exchangers used in this process are the double pipe heat exchangers as well as the plate heat exchangers. Also, there are several types of heat exchangers that are available at Alaqua Inc.

The first one is called Parallel heat exchangers have two fluids i.e. parallel flow and the second tube which is the counter-flow that transfers heat from one direction to another. The second type of heat exchanger is Counterblow. The current flow also has two tubes which are concurrent and counter current. In both of the tubes, the hot water is transferred in the same direction but the only difference is that in the concurrent tubes the cold water is transferred from downwards direction, and in counterblow, the cold water is transferred from the upward direction. The third and the last heat exchanger is a cross-flow exchanger. Cross-flow Exchangers push the hot and cold fluids in a perpendicular flow and exchange heat at the intersection where they meet. For the best Processing Equipment Manufacturer in the United States of America, Contact on + (00-1) 551 482 7568 or mail on


 B) Piping - It is a system to transfer liquid and gasses from one substance to another. They are made up of several materials like steel, Cast iron, copper, etc. Piping is an essential tool and hence it is connected or joined with the help of flanges. Flanges are the screw-like structure that connects pipes, pumps, and other equipment to form a piping system.


 2)  Rotating equipment - Equipment refers to any process equipment that moves or rotates.

       1)  Turbines - It's a fan-like structure engine that turns fluid into energy such as water, air, or combustion gasses and turns it into the rotational motion of the device itself. Turbines are used in wind power (Wind turbines use the wind to make electricity), hydropower (use moving water to make electricity).

     2) Pumps - It's a device that is used to move gasses, liquid from a lower pressure to a higher pressure. There are different types of pumps - impulse pumps, velocity pumps, gravity pumps, steam pumps, and valueless pumps.

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